Definition of Pneumatherapy

Definition of Pneumatherapy


/’nju,em’eɪ ‘θɛrəpi/


  1. a healing modality
  2. spiritual energy healing
  3. the treatment of illness by spiritual rather than medical means
  4. the treatment of the human spirit

Definition of Pneumapath




  1. a healing practitioner who studies the causes and effects of spiritual ailments and healing treatments, especially one who examines case studies for the purpose of teaching and discovery of advanced techniques and diagnostic procedures.
  2. “a pneumapath devised the therapeutic plan to be used by the pneumatherapist”

Designations: Pneumatherapist and Pneumapath

The designations Certified Pneumatherapist (PnT), Master of Pneumatherapy (PnM) and Doctor of Pneumapathy (PnD) are awarded to professional spiritual energy therapists certified by the IAP (International Association of Pneumapaths). Professional spiritual therapy and spiritual healing is becoming main stream, and is a viable career choice.

Academic study, internship and practice of professional spiritual energy healing, cuts through the disinformation produced by untrained “teachers” and “healers” ubiquitous on the Internet. This is a problem in the alternative healing world; people read one of the thousands of books (by an ill-trained author) or attend one of thousands of seminars presented by ill-trained people with more marketing skill than training, and they start a “healing practice” or write their own book. Pneumapathy, on the other hand is a regulated professional designation. It is a serious profession open only to dedicated, disciplined and well-trained spiritual energy healers. Practitioners learn the raw skills of old, follow ancient teaching and practice a time-proven ancient healing art. For members affiliated with religious denominations, IAP certifications meet the required standard for ordination as Spiritual Healer in some religious denominations such as Christian, Buddhist, Wayist and other.


PrajnaParamita School is the first to have a full curriculum online e-campus for theoretical studies in spiritual energy healing. Wayist Spiritual Energy Centers in SE Asia and North America make clinics available for internships. Pneumatherapy studies can also be taken on a full-time basis for small numbers of highly committed students who live and work in a clinic setting while studying.

Pneumatherapy as Healing Modality

Pneumatherapy is different to most healing modalities in that it heals the soul and spirit. It does not aim, or claim to heal the physical body or the mind that comes from the organic brain. It concerns itself purely with the spirit and its soul energies. Healing of the organic body and its mind happens as result of having healed and empowered the spiritual body. Unlike allopathy, acupuncture, homeopathy and naturopathy, pneumatherapy does not focus on the physical body, it takes care of the human essence—the spirit and its energies. From this point forward, the holistic person (body, mind and spirit) heals as a consequence of the empowered spirit and abundance of spiritual energies.

The professional Pneumatherapist is a spiritual energy therapist who works with soul energies, chakras, meridians, intuition with guidance from spiritual beings, and she works with Prana (qi) also called Universal Energy. The art transcends religions, yet sits comfortably in the mysticism of almost any spiritual tradition. Pneumatherapists can be ordained religious workers, or people who have never been and will never be affiliated with a religious organization.

Treats Illness from the Vantage Point of the Spirit

Pneumatherapy is a healing modality related to pneumapathy which treats illness from the vantage point of the spirit. (pneuma Gk. = spirit)

Not all disease has a spiritual energy cause, but all disease impacts spiritual energy. Therefore, to heal spiritual energy is required for holistic healing.

Body, Mind and Spirit

To put this in context. The holistic human is understood to be a triad of an Organic Body (soma Gk.), the organic body’s Mind (psyche Gk.), and the essence which is Spirit (pneuma Gk.) The organic body and its mind are temporary, and have a very short lifetime. The spirit, on the other hand is the essence of the human. It animates the organic body and its mind, and it has an exceptionally long life. When the organic body (along with its mind) dies, the spirit typically moves on to incarnate again to a new organic body (with a brain, therefore a mind of its own).

Specialties of Healing Modalities

In the healing arts and sciences, practitioners specialize.

Soma-centric Healing Modalities

Healing modalities that focus on the organic body are soma-centric (soma Gk. for fleshy body). The organic body is the focus of those who practice allopathy, homeopathy, ayurveda, naturopathy, and surgery. One outlier here is Chinese traditional medicine which has soma-centric focus but considers the spiritual energies to a large degree.

Allopathy makes use of chemical intervention to rid the organic body of whatever the allopath considers unwanted organisms. This modality has an aggressive war-like attitude to “fight” disease.

Homeopathy makes use of chemicals (often plant-based) to boost the organic body’s defense systems.

Naturopaths make use of natural chemicals, mostly plant and diet-based, to boost the organic body’s defense systems.

Chinese Traditional Medicine and Ayurveda makes use both of natural chemicals, mostly plant-based, and spiritual energies, to boost the organic body’s defense systems.

Note: These above-mentioned modalities are seen by allopathy as competition and suffer greatly from relentless attacks to discredit and limit them in with laws and legislation. One movement by which these forces move is for example that of EBM, evidence based medicine—which itself fails its own premise, itself is not evidence based yet it is fueled by BigPharma because the flaws of the EBM system allows for dollar-rich studies to manipulate outcomes.


Mind-centric Healing Modalities

Psychology does not believe in an immortal soul. It believes the soul is the mind generated by the brain of the organic body. It believes the soul is programmed only by its environment. Acting on this belief that most people in the world consider to be an erroneous view of the soul, the founders of this art (it is not a science) named their trade psyche (soul) logia (study), psychology. Psychology specialize in counselling, which is talk therapy. For psychology, healing of the mind is engaging in the process of talk therapy.

Note of caution: Of the healing modalities, Psychology and Allopathy are losing public trust because of their track record. However, since they once dominated the healing market, and both work in the interest of large chemical companies, they prescribe tons of expensive chemicals every month. Because of trillions of dollars of trade and taxes, they have the support of their partners, BigPharma and government officials who cannot say no to temptation. This triad (psychology, allopathy and money) have been engaged in a war to eliminate competition to their modalities. They use their influence over governments to pass laws that protect their niche. These laws are always cast as “in the interest of the public”. Over the years, they have done much to eliminate alternative modalities and treatments. Lately they have had laws passed to claim sole right to dictionary words such as doctor and counsellor. Over the years, they have had many practitioners of alternative healing modules jailed and closed down, all “in public interest”.

American Psychological Association reports, “The use of psychotropic drugs by adult Americans increased 22 percent from 2001 to 2010, with one in five adults now taking at least one psychotropic medication, according to industry data. In 2010, Americans spent more than $16 billion on antipsychotics, $11 billion on antidepressants and $7 billion for drugs to treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).”

Pneuma-centric Healing Modalities

In the domain of pneuma-centric modalities we find many traditional healing philosophies dating back thousands of years. Traditional healing takes many forms, not all of which are strictly pneuma-centric. Most often, traditional healing modalities in Africa for example are soma-centric informed by a spiritual aspect. Some work in conjunction with the ghosts (disembodied souls) of ancestors, some work mainly with the spiritual energies of plants (shaman), and other work mainly in conjunction with advanced spiritual beings whom are mostly known as gods (Christ, Bodhisattvas, and so-called angels). It is not uncommon for humans to imagine a gender when they think of spiritual beings. Therefore, it is not uncommon to hear someone saying that s/he connects with a goddess. Anthropomorphism is a human need to imagine a spiritual being to have human qualities, but this is only imagination and it may or may not be a healthy and handy tool to help humans connect their own spirit to that of a senior spiritual being.

Religion and Tradition

Several pneuma-centric modalities fall under the category of religious belief. Faith healing, the laying on of hands, was made popular by Jesus Christ in the 1st century. Also in the 1st century we see a disciple of Jesus Christ, the man Thomas, in Kerala India where he is said to have performed chakra healing on a wounded man. Healers are often enshrined in faith and religion.

Pneumatherapy is enshrined by several religious movements as holy tradition. One such tradition (Wayism) has a category for ordination as Healer, something that according to their tradition was instituted by their founder more than 2,000 years ago.

Spiritual Energy Healing

Pneumapathy is a professional spiritual energy healing modality that considers spiritual energy as the foundation of healing. The pneumapath understand spiritual energy to be essence of, and animating force of the organic body and its mind. For the pneumapath, the spirit of the patient is the focus, spiritual energy is the main medicine and spiritual guidance from angels/gods is an important source of diagnosis.


What the pneumatherapist considers to be “spiritual guidance”, is often referred to by people outside of our modality as intuition.

The pneumatherapist is a mystic, a person who believes in the spiritual apprehension of truths that are beyond the intellect. Throughout history, mystics of all religious and no-religious affiliations have proved to speak the ‘same language’, that of the ability of the human to connect spirit-to-spirit with being wiser and more compassionate than ourselves. All comprehend the THAT of the Upanishads, the One of Plato and Socrates, the Dao of the Daodejing, the Universal Energy of the New Age proponent.

Connectedness is a most important aspect, a skill, learned and practiced by the Pneumatherapist.

Pneumatherapy in practice

chakras | meridians | marma | acupressure | ayurveda | prana and qi |

The pneumapath applies pneumatherapy, that is, spiritual energy healing. The diagnostic process in pneumapathy consider not only continued spiritual guidance and spiritual awareness but also the energies in the spiritual minds (chakras) of the client, the twelve meridians which are the channels by which the spirit connects with the organic body, the state of the client’s spiritual body (aura), the impact that the imbalance in energies had on the client’s organic body (organ trouble, skin, growths, dysfunctions, tumors, etc.). We diagnose spiritual energy balance and imbalance and we prescribe spiritual energy (entheogenic) medications and therapies. Most pneumatherapies involve prana/qi therapy in various ways. Some therapies may resemble meditation, hypnosis, Reiki or massage but we do not strictly do those therapies. Some pneumatherapies and diagnostics are from the ancient ayurvedic tradition from where pneumatherapy branched more than 2,000 years ago. Pneumatherapy may resemble those therapies but all therapies work strictly with spiritual energies and have different techniques. For example, what may seem like a deep tissue massage is a soothing down of the muscles of the body for the purpose to access and treat Marma Points and other nodes on the Meridians.

Entheogenic Medications

Entheogenic (en inside theos god) medications are ancient recipes of plant extracts and combinations that enhance different spiritual energies. Each soul mind and spiritual mind (chakra) operates on a different frequency and these medications empower those frequencies. In our spiritual tradition, the purpose and use of these spiritual medications are to enhance particular spiritual energies in order for the spirit to heal itself and in turn contribute to the healing of the organic body and its mind (thinking).

Entheogenic medications are not used to “treat” illness or disease of the organic body, but to empower the spirit to contribute to healing of the holistic human being–body, mind and spirit.

Most entheogenic medications result from tinctures. Tinctures, by definition, are extracts made with alcohol. In or spiritual tradition, the recipes and methods of making these medications are ancient, handed down from teacher to teacher over the millennia. It is considered a holy art, even insomuch as the medications itself are considered a god (divine-like spiritual energy) the god called Soma. Somas are contra-indicated in persons with an allergy to alcohol.

While other plants provide the alcoholic base, a wide variety of plants are used to make different somas for different purposes. Plants used in the soma tinctures most commonly prescribed by pneumatherapists are from the nelumbo, argyreia and cannabis families.

Spiritual Practise of the Pneumatherapist

The pneumatherapist relies on the following minimum aspects of spirituality:

  • A belief in the purpose of life as evolution of the soul through multiple reincarnations
  • A belief in the availability of helper spiritual beings on our path, who are available to help us fulfil the purpose of life.
  • A belief in, but more so, a connection with spiritual beings who work with pneumatherapists to diagnose and treat clients. Sometimes clients are brought in by an angel who takes care of them, at other times our spiritual guides and the guide of the client collaborate on making the possible the diagnosis and healing. The pneumatherapist is a healing tool in the hands of spiritual beings, we create an expert bridge between the soul (and mind and body) of the client and the healing help that is available to us.
  • Reverence and humility are essential elements without which the pneumatherapist cannot work. We are honoured by, and lovingly embrace the presence of those highly qualified spiritual beings with whom we work and we hold them in the highest regard. Arrogance not only causes misdiagnosis and opens the gates of karma upon the healer’s soul, the pneumatherapist also knows that the presence of arrogance and self-importance in the healer’s mind will cause the angels to withdraw. We celebrate, rejoice and take credit along with spiritual beings for our joint efforts to bring healing, yet we always remain aware that we played a role in a team.
  • To not know, is okay. We have expert guides and healers in the team. To be open to guidance is essential, because through that, what we call intuition or spiritual guanaco, our task is made possible and deeply successful.

Pneumatherapists come from, and operate within various religious or spiritual traditions. We know that all are one in the end, but until such time there are different spiritual entities with different levels of expertise and wisdom. Nevertheless, whether we, in our human state, address these beings by human names and titles such as Lord, Christ, Holy Spirit, Angel, Goddess, etc. is not important. Attitude and Intent is of pivotal importance.

Regulation of Pneumapath and Pneumatherapist training and practise standards

Regulation is necessary to protect the public again people who falsely claim that they were certified as Pneumatherapist and Pneumapaths. These designations are prestigious and says to the public not only that the practitioner is very well trained and succumbs to peer review and monitoring, but also that the practitioner swears to uphold a code of ethics and continuing education standards.

International Association of Pneumapaths (IAP) is a voluntary self-regulating body of pneumapaths, pneumatherapists and members of the public who care to regulate and forward the cause of responsible spiritual energy healing in the world.

In any healing and therapeutic modality there are always individuals who either make false claims, or are operate in questionable ways. Most healing modalities have international and branch-regional self-regulatory bodies to protect the public against the inevitable small percentage of people with ill intent and ill attitude.